The whole hurry up and wait concept in fertility treatments is one that drives me bonkers. Mostly because I am not so good at the "wait" part. Im just saying....
I went to the Rock and Worship Road Show this weekend and had a blast. There were 7 bands there: Sidewalk Prophets, Remedy Drive, Fee, Francesca Battistelli, Mercy Me, David Crowder Band, and Family Force 5. Those of you who know me, and know my need for the extreme, probably can guess which was my favorite! I wasn't all that excited about going to the concert but decided to go when all the pieces started to fall into place for me to be there. I'm really glad I went. I ended up enjoying it much more than I thought I would. On top of that, it also gave me that "whoomp" I needed to get over this spiritual hump I seemed to be in. Do you ever get that way? What are your fixes for it?
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